Do you have a hobby that you could do for hours? Do you have a skill that you could get lost in time doing? Do you wake up thinking about your talent? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then do a little happy dance and start putting your skill to work!

The thing that you love doing the most, the gift that God gave you is the thing that will change your world!

We were all created by the ultimate creator. The one who formed the universe – created breathtaking oceans & stunning mountains, the one who formed you and me! In the same image of God, we were all created to create. To some that may be painting, writing beautiful songs, spoken words, photography, videos or something else. The opportunities to create are limitless! For me it’s photography and design. But everyone has that ‘thing” God has given you, all you need to do is find it!

Don’t compare yourself to others it will just constantly frustrate you. Use what you’ve been given and let it flourish. Plant, water, and nurture your craft. Always remember, we were created by the greatest artist…carry that confidence and boldness it will rock your world! People may criticize you but our self worth comes from the dream giver Himself. For the longest time, I wanted to be a singer but I was missing one thing…I couldn’t carry a tune! I realized that singing wasn’t the art that God gave me to reach people (even though I still sing loud and proud to peoples dismay :)). I stopped focusing on what I didn’t have, and started focusing on what I did have. I had an eye for photography and design and I let that be the thing that would glorify God and connect people back to His House. You know one of my favorite things about our God is?! When I gave Him back the gift He gave me in the first place, He blessed me in ways that I couldn’t even imagine. Opening doors left and right to use my craft in church and the marketplace.

You were made for this! Go for it!




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