I just got back from 5 relaxing days in Calgary, Canada.  Let me tell you, I feel so refreshed and refueled; It was exactly what I needed! Most people retreat to the beach for a vacation but seeing the mountains and snow was so great.
1. Visited an old theater in Calgary.  Couldn’t tell you much about it except it looked really cute.
2. Most of the lakes were frozen over but on Monday (my bday!), we found a lake that wasn’t frozen and it was one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen!
3. There I am, HEY!
4. Beautiful downtown Calgary was showing off for me on Friday.
5. One of the best coffee places, ever! Analog coffee had great coffee and a great atmosphere  More to come about this place.
6. View on our way to Banff on Saturday.  Gorgeous!
7. This was taken on Monday.  Monday was spectacular   The mountains were literally breath taking; couldn’t of asked for a better day!
8. On Friday, we went up to the Calgary tower and this was our view. Great seeing the city from above!
More pictures to come this week!

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